by Edward Carey
The Blurb
With his parents and other equally maladjusted misfits and eccentrics, Francis Orme lives in Observatory Mansions, once a magnificent ancestral home with beautiful grounds, now a crumbling apartment block. In a blocked off corridor of the basement if Francis's Exhibition: a carefully catalogues and private display of the hundreds of items he has ever stolen, all of them precious to their original owners. But the arrival of a new tenant upsets the delicate balance of Observatory Mansions and Francis finds himself taking drastic measures to protect the secrets of his past and the sanctity of his collection.
The First Line
I wore white gloves.
Why I Decided to Take on the Read
The bizarre cover made me grab it. I like the handwriting font used at the back of the book. The front cover displays the things that Francis is collecting. The drawing is weird. The handwriting is weird. The objects are weird. And I thought to myself, I must read it.
Post Script. The copy that I have obtained has a different look. Take a look at it here.